Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Profanity, part 2

Shame on you loyal readers, both of you, for not doing your homework and helping me with my profanity bible study. Oh well, the good news is that mere Thessalonians get into heaven too. ;-)

Let me say up front that it is not my desire to promote the more widespread use of profanity. On the contrary, I believe that application of these principles to govern coarse language will actually reduce our cussing by about 95%. But I cannot abide lists of forbidden words. I want something that gets to the heart.

From the verses cited two days ago, I believe we can say that "cussing" is something Christians should not do when...

1) It blasphemes God.
2) It curses people.
3) It glorifies sexual immorality.
4) It expresses anger.

What's left? Here's a couple of examples of God-glorifying obscenity.

"Compared to the glories of knowing Christ, the pleasures of sin are a steamy pile of %$#@!"

"Anyone who thinks they can boast before God of their own righteous works is completely *&^%$#!"

If I write a part 3, we'll look at some examples of coarse language in the Bible, like Php 3:8, Isa 30:22, Gal 5:12, Ez 23:20, and 1Sam 25:22 (see KJV).


Blogger isaiah543 said...

Mark, I'm not sure a cuss word should ever be an adjective for "bible study". How about shame on *&^%$#@ me for not doing the Bible study! :-)

9:27 PM  
Blogger isaiah543 said...

Although, upon further reflection, maybe it could. If you were modifying the word Bible _study_ and not _Bible_ study, and it were a bad Bible _study_ written by a legalist, then go ahead and curse it.

Also, I remember being very edified one time when a brother was making an important point about community and he said, "How come everytime we get together it has to be a *&^%$#@ Bible study?!"

9:35 PM  
Blogger isaiah543 said...

Oh, stick it in your ear!

You have to remember that when I first posted this it seemed we only had two regular readers. The popularity of the blog has skyrocketed since we started cussin'!

11:30 AM  

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